A Guide to Megaphones

When trying to reach a crowd, the sound is often not enough. Without help, people’s voices are well heard by 20 to 30 people sitting nearby and wanting to hear them. However, you need a loudspeaker to try to talk to a lot of people, to compete with the noise and voice … Read more

A Guide to ASMR

ASMR is currently one of the most popular trends on YouTube. In this article, we want to give you a complete guide on how to get started with ASMR channels, some useful tips on ASMR, the right hardware, and tips and tricks to improve your overall ASMR sound. The term ASMR refers … Read more

3 Best Guitar Books (2021)

Back in the 90s, YouTube channels were the best guitar books. A good reference or instructional book could hold years of knowledge of more than hundreds of pages. But it would still be less expensive compared to a single private guitar lesson. If you want to be Misha Mansoor or Frank Zappa, … Read more

A Guide to Buy Acoustic Guitar Amp Under $200

An acoustic guitar can have different tonal qualities that depend on the size, shape, bracing, and quality of the wood used in its construction. A small acoustic guitar will have a treble response and brightness, while a more significant size will have a higher potential for bass response.  Musicians are required to … Read more

A Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Podcast

Content marketing comes in all shapes and sizes. For authors like you, blog posts, social media updates, photos, videos, slideshows, and many more options are available. You can also add podcasting to this mix. Audio is used intelligently with the content design of some major websites and blogs. Tim Ferris, the author … Read more

Collection of 10 Guitar Quotes from Influential Guitarists

There is something unique and different about guitars and it is not like the other musical instruments. We bring to you ten motivational guitar quotes and sayings. When you listen to a guitar being played, you will get a lot of different vibes from it. It might include romance, country, and electric … Read more

How Does Music Help With Studying?

When we hear the word music, our minds come across many trending songs and music because a song is incomplete without it. Music is nothing but a combination of vocals and instruments that produce harmony and expresses emotions. When we look around us, we come across two categories of the students; the … Read more