Easiest Musical Instruments to Learn

There’s no denying that music is the universal language that promotes peace and love among people and brings them closer to each other. Almost every individual on this planet loves and enjoys some form of music as they listen to the songs, hum their favorite tunes or play different instruments. Music helps you in ways that you cannot even imagine. 

But if listening to music does not feel enough, you can always find yourself an instrument to play. You will have to learn it first, of course, but that can be a fun and exciting experience as well. It’s completely your choice if you want to keep it as a fun hobby or pursue it as a career option. But in both cases, you will have a great time, and you might feel a lot closer to music. 

It is quite a common and huge misconception that learning to play a new musical instrument can be too difficult and complicated. Some even consider it impossible, but it’s not, so you all need to calm down a little. 

Another false statement that keeps surfacing is that you need to start learning music at a young age, or else you will never be able to learn it. Although starting your music lessons at a young age can help you have a better command of your skills, it requires years of training and practice. However, in today’s time, age is just a number, and if you put your mind and heart into something, nothing can stop you from achieving your goals. 

6 Easiest Musical Instruments to Learn 

If you are still worried or confused about the right instrument to pick, let’s begin with the easiest musical instruments to learn. Here are 6 easy to learn musical instruments that will make your learning experience a lot more fun and productive. 

1. Guitar 

As you already know, a guitar is a musical instrument with some strings attached to it varying from four to eighteen in number. A regular guitar has six strings. The sound is generated by striking the strings, which causes them to vibrate. The vibrating strings transfer their energy to the soundboard through the bridge. The hollow body of the guitar also helps by enhancing the sound of the vibrating strings. 

If you are a beginner and looking for an easy instrument to play, the guitar is a great choice to go for. There is a wide range of guitars available on the market of different sizes and styles. 

Usually, classical guitars are thought to be the most suitable choice for beginners, especially young learners. The fundamental technique of the guitar is relatively simple to learn and can provide you a better sense of music and other instruments as well. Those who master the art and techniques of playing the guitar can later learn other guitar-like instruments, such as the ukulele and bass, without much hassle. 

Due to its easy-to-learn quality, the guitar can offer you a good amount of self-confidence and help you improve your social skills. 

2. Piano


This is another instrument that should be on your list if you are a beginner. The piano may come across as a bit complicated instrument to play, but it is the opposite in reality. It’s one of the easiest instruments to learn for both children and adults. Therefore, it is the right instrument to start your music journey with, as it is quite simple and enjoyable to play. 

The piano is a keyboard and stringed musical instrument that usually contains 88 keys with a compass of seven full octaves and a few keys. Learning piano can help you dive into all forms of western music and strengthen your music knowledge. 

The first step in learning to play the instrument is to find your way through a few simple chords and melodies that will be easier to learn and motivate you to go on. With time and the help of a good tutor, you can learn some of the best melodies after a few lessons. 

But if you are looking to master the art of playing piano, you might need a lot more than a few weeks or months of training. To become a classical pianist, you might need years of hard work, dedication, and practice, but it’s still the perfect instrument for beginners. 

3. Drums


It won’t be true if we say that drums are the easiest instrument to learn. In fact, it can take a tremendous amount of time and hard work for you to master your drumming skills. Now, you must be wondering that how did the drums make it to this list. Well, we’ll tell you how.

Drums might appear to you as difficult and complicated musical instruments, but they are a good choice for beginners as they are easy to learn and fun to play. They can help you enjoy music and let out all your energy which can be really cathartic. 

You can learn your favorite song or beat on the drums in approximately 30 minutes. This doesn’t mean that you have mastered the art of drumming because, to become a professional drummer, you’ll need a good practice of about 8 to 10 years. But it’s still a good start. 

If you want to play drums, make sure that you have a separate room to practice because they generate huge decibels of noise and may cause problems and discomfort around your neighborhood. 

You don’t have to burden yourself with difficult songs and training at the beginning level because this way, you’ll just be complicating things for yourself. Instead, get started with the basics that will make your learning experience convenient.

A good and efficient tip to follow is, to begin with, hand drumming. You can be playing on your thighs, a table, or any other suitable object. By tapping along to your favorite songs, you can make your drumming experience better and more productive. 

4. Flute

The flute is one of the instruments that is easy to learn for beginners but still requires hours and hours of practice. If you want the flute to produce good music instead of just erratic sounds, you will need experience. 

You might have to face some technical and physical challenges to learn how to play the flute, but with enough practice, commitment, and a good teacher, you can learn and improve your skills and become a better flute player.  

For starters, you need to make sure to educate yourself about all the basics of playing the flute. For instance, the shape you make with your mouth while playing the flute, which enables the production of sound, is important to learn. This is called flute embouchure and can be practiced in many ways with bottles or straws. 

Another important lesson to learn is properly holding the flute. This is one of the most commonly faced challenges for many beginners. Flute players can also face difficulties balancing the flute, leading to problems in the shoulders or the upper back. This is the reason why you need a brilliant tutor who can teach you the right methods to hold your instrument. 

Breath control issues are also a major problem faced by many flute players. It is a basic step to learn breath control so that you can master your flute playing skills. All these challenges aside, the flute is still one of the easiest instruments to learn. 

5. Harmonica

The harmonica, also known as a mouth organ, is one of the easiest instruments to learn and play and sounds really beautiful as well. It can also go with many different musical styles. The harmonica might not be as trendy as a lot of other instruments, but it is, without any doubt, a very enjoyable instrument to play.  

Diatonic harmonica, the most common and simplest type of harmonica, is the right choice for beginners. A diatonic harmonica consists of 10 holes and is designed to play a major diatonic scale. 

The harmonica players use two methods to blow into it – the pucker method and the tongue method. Once you start playing the instrument, you can decide which method you are more comfortable with. 

6. Violin 

If anybody tells you that you can learn the violin in just a few months, it’s a big, fat lie. A few months with a good tutor might provide you a good grip on a simple tune, but it won’t get you a long way. Being a professional violinist requires years of practice and training. However, it doesn’t mean that you dismiss the thought of learning the instrument. Even though it takes a long time to master it, the violin is quite an easy instrument to learn in the first place. 

A tip that every beginner should apply is to give 30 minutes of your day to training and practicing with new and different scales and exercises that will help you get better at playing the flute. To get a better sense of it, add violin music to your playlists and regularly listen to it. This will offer you a better understanding of the music, rhythm, scales, and intonation.  

To become a violinist, you must have a perfect posture because properly holding the violin is one of the first steps you need to learn to play well. The strength of your upper arms and shoulder muscles also plays a key role in the whole process, which is why it also helps to boost your physical strength and balance. 


Learning musical instruments has always been considered a difficult and impossible option, but that’s why we are here to shatter all the misconceptions regarding musical instruments. If you have come this far in the article, then we are sure it has helped you pick the right instrument to play.