Types of Guitars You May Not Know

Guitar, Band, Taylor

Acoustic Guitar Acoustic guitars are normally made entirely of wood, though some manufacturers, like Ovation, incorporate fiberglass composite. The soundboard, or the top of the guitar functions as a kind of amplifier. The soundboard receives the vibrations of the strings after passing through the bridge and saddle. Tone woods, unique varieties of … Read more

Stringed Instruments from Around the World

Music Images & Pictures, Electric Guitar, Sound

Instruments that create sound by vibrating strings have been around for a very long time all across the world. The possibility for a memorable “riff” has existed since people unintentionally stretched the residual tendons and sinews of their dinner across wooden fasteners. A string instrument is a musical instrument that uses vibrating … Read more

Ultimate Guide to the Guitar Family of Instruments

person holding a guitar

Guitars belong to the plucked string instruments. It is a subcategory of string instruments that are played by plucking the strings. It is a way of pulling and releasing the string in such a way as to give it an impulse that causes the string to vibrate. It is done by either … Read more