5 Ways Musicians Can Make Money from Home

Afro man playing guitar and streaming it using video camera

Making money in the music industry can be a hard thing to do. Most people look at successful musicians and assume that they are paid well. In most cases, this isn’t true. In fact, musicians and producers have to work extremely hard to gain their skills and keep the work coming in. … Read more

Guide to the Ukelin

A photo of the ukelin

You probably heard about the ukulele and the violin, but have you heard about the ukelin? One of the most mysterious and unique instruments that were recorded was this instrument called ukelin. It is a combination of a violin and Hawaiian ukulele that became popular in the year 1920s. This bowed psaltery … Read more

Who are the Greatest YouTube Musicians?

Greatest YouTube Musicians

The internet has changed everything. I mean, yeah, sure, everyone gets to share their funny cat videos now, but I mean that the world has fundamentally changed in ways that we still fully haven’t felt the consequences of yet. The main function of the internet (aside from using your FairGo Casino login) is … Read more