Guide to the Marimba

A photo of the xylophone with its mallet

The marimba is one of the percussion instruments that is struck by a rubber or yarn mallet. Much like the xylophone and the glockenspiel, the marimba has chromatic key bars that are arranged like the keys of the piano.However, in comparison to the glockenspiel, the marimba has wooden key bars like the … Read more

Guide to the Xylophone

A photo of the xylophone with its mallet

A xylophone is a percussion instrument that is able to play melodies. Unlike the glockenspiel, whose bars are made out of metal, the xylophone has wooden bars that are struck by mallets. Its keys are also tuned and arranged like the piano keys. Each of its bars is tuned to a pitch … Read more

Guide to the Glockenspiel

A photo of the glockenspiel

The glockenspiel is a percussion instrument that is played through hitting or scrapping. It may look like a xylophone, but it is definitely called the glockenspiel. The name glockenspiel is a German word that means bell play, for it refers to the sound of a small bell. Initially, the early glockenspiel has … Read more